The Love Bite: Deeper Insights into the Alien Abduction
by Eve Frances Lorgen MA © 1999-2002
The Love Bite is the title of my recent book "The Love Bite: Alien
Interference in Human Love Relationships". The term was first coined the
"alien love bite" by a small but growing number of aware abductees who
began to realize that some of their love relationships were engineered by the
aliens who abducted them. I deleted the "alien" notation from the
description, because after working with many abductees, I realized that aliens
were not the only ones responsible for these anomalous "pre-arranged"
love relationships.
These alien orchestrated love bites often took the form of overwhelming love
obsessions with an alien chosen targeted partner—another abductee. The
targeted partner was sometimes another local abductee and other times the chosen
mate was across the country or even in another country. For those abductees who
were able to get together, the relationship was often short lived and
passionate, leaving one of the partners in a state of unrequited love. There
were many variations to the basic love bite set-up or manipulated relationship,
which will be elaborated on more fully later in this chapter.
It became clear that the alien abductors be they Grey aliens, reptilians, human military or other unknown species, were heavily manipulating their "chosen ones" down to the very detail of their love and sex lives! Not only did these aliens set relationships up, but also they interfered in ways to break couples apart, friendships and even families. Clearly, the alien abduction phenomenon entailed more than the simple medical exams, and missing time episodes as reported by the "credible" Ufologists and abduction researchers of the 1980’s and early 90’s.
Rigid academic minds struggled to maintain an empirical nuts and bolts
explanation of UFO’s and their abducting occupants. It appeared more important
for most researchers to maintain credibility within the eyes of their academic
contemporary peers, than to risk taking a step beyond, addressing the deeper
issues of this phenomenon. The glossing over of abductee relationship
manipulations served a useful purpose, ensuring ignorance, secrecy and
powerlessness in the abductee population. Meanwhile, the suffering abductees
caught up in the heavy hands of the aliens went largely unacknowledged and
It took a bold, fiery spirited woman like Dr. Karla Turner to stand in the gap
for a growing number of abductees whose voice had been denied by other
researchers. Dr. Karla Turner, professor of literature at North Texas
University, and vocal alien abductions researcher, started a groundswell
movement of abductees who did not fit into the rigid "Grey alien"
abduction scenario of medical exams, implant procedures and missing time
episodes. Dr. Turner addressed serious issues that had been muffled by the
contemporary Ufologists and abduction researchers. Things such as military
abductions (MILABS), reptilian aliens, relationship manipulations and deceitful
tactics of the aliens were being exposed. Her groundbreaking books included Into
the Fringe, Masquerade of Angels and Taken. Dr. Turner understood the suffering
of abductees and was able to clearly recognize the masquerade that a majority of
the abducting aliens were playing. In Masquerade of Angels, Dr. Turner recounts
the Ted Rice story, which is a classic expose of how the aliens perpetrated
extensive manipulations and deceptions, including a major love obsession that
was clearly engineered by Ted’s alien handlers.
These revelations were an unwelcome shock to many abductees and researchers
alike, because Pandora’s box had been opened. At least in this case—and many
others—it was obvious that the aliens and visiting extraterrestrials were no
benevolent spirit guides or earth guardians! They were deceivers with
questionable motives who had interfered in abductees’ lives. Not only this,
but once the truth behind their activities was seriously challenged, reprisals
ensued. Something snakelike was rearing its ugly head, creating chaos wherever
it went.
Because of the disturbing nature of Dr. Turner’s findings, she was criticized
by many of her peers in the UFO community. Most of the criticism came from those
who believed that extraterrestrials are here for our spiritual evolution. Other
arguments to defend the benevolent ET theories arose, such as any negative alien
abduction experience or MILAB (military abduction) originates from our own
secret government black projects. This argument is not substantial, as many
MILAB abductees observed alien Greys, reptilians and human military and medical
personnel working in tandem with one another, often times in our own military
underground installations! Furthermore, when the alien –human-military
connection was seriously questioned, and exposed by MILAB abductees, reprisals
soon followed. These events appeared "coincidental" with the exposure
of sensitive information regarding the alien/human connection.
I believe that Dr. Karla Turner died prematurely as a result of an
abduction-related reprisal for her boldness in speaking the truth. I personally
know abductees and researchers who have been afflicted with a series of
unfortunate "coincidences" following exposure to these darker truths.
These reprisals included sudden divorces, love bite set-ups, health problems and
even cancer. Most whistleblowers ended up being ostracized and discredited
publicly one way or another.
After Dr. Karla Turner’s death on January 9, 1996, a small group of abductees
and myself began getting together on a regular basis. I conducted a regular
support group for abductees, and a smaller core group of very aware abductees,
who were less manipulated than the rest of the abductees. I noticed that there
was a continuum of awareness levels in abductees, and that those who were more
aware, psychic and spiritually strong could withstand the alien manipulations
and spiritual warfare more readily than the novices who had not yet reached a
heightened awareness level. I also observed that the degree of useful
information increased with these "more aware" abductees and spiritual
One thing I’d like to point out is the difficulty working in the
UFO/Paranormal/Abductions field—at least when one is sincerely trying to seek
the truth and assist abductees who want to break free. The constant criticism
amongst mainstream, academic and scientific circles regarding the reality of
alien abductions is the lack of hard evidence. But the real problem is not lack
of evidence, but the warfare conditions, which keep the average individual and
researcher unaware and distracted. I liken my own research as an intelligence
gathering operation under adverse warfare conditions with minimal or no
resources—except a strong spirit. And to manage this while being able to truly
help the suffering abductee or mind control victim without harm, or harm to
oneself or family. It is no easy task, and most persons who complain about the
lack of evidence or publicly discredit those who are discovering these
"dark dirty secrets" are manipulated muppets who have no good works to
show for themselves.
One of the reasons I even stumbled across the Love Bite, is because of the
distractions aimed at certain individuals who were getting close to
"breaking programming" or whistle blowing. This is only one of the
reasons behind a love bite set up. To get a clearer understanding of what was
happening to a number of abductees in my support group, I began corresponding
with Barbara Bartholic, an abductions researcher and hypnotherapist of 25 years.
Mrs. Bartholic was well aware of how love obsessions manifested in alien
abductees, sometimes following a major abduction event. Love bite set-ups were
also a pattern that Mrs. Bartholic observed during intense periods of UFO
abduction activity. Barbara Bartholic is compassionate and deeply insightful
with respect to abduction related love obsessions and how the reptilian aliens
fit into the scheme of things. Much of this information is elaborated on in my
book The Love Bite, and I encourage anyone who suspects this kind of thing in
his or her own lives to read my book.
My own theory of the Love Bite developed after consolidating my own observations
of alien abductions, MILABs, chronic relationship manipulations, anomalous
health problems and the paranormal/occult side of the phenomena. I also learned
a lot from the more aware MILAB abductees, whose bonding procedures with other
persons (especially psychics) served several purposes.
The symptomology of a love bite set up can be described by the conditions below.
Remember there may be a variation of these presenting symptoms, depending on the
individual and his or her background.
Characteristics, Signs and Symptoms of a Bonding Set Up
a. Multiple abduction histories. In most cases the person had numerous alien
encounters and/or UFO sightings. In a few cases the targeted love bite partner
did not realize him/herself to be an abductee. For example one partner was told
by the" alien handlers" to have been abducted only for the purpose of
the love bite relationship with a particular female abductee.
b. Memories of bonding scenarios in abductions, vivid dreams or virtual reality
scenarios. Some have described it as a "stage managed" dream where
both partners are present in a bedroom scene set up, where both individuals are
being given telepathic messages to initiate contact, either on a verbal level or
more physical sexual level. Oftentimes either partner appears to be in a tranced
out or drugged state. Other stage-managed dreams and/or abductions may have the
partners in various situations as if they are being tested for their emotional
compatibility or coerced into thinking that this person would make an ideal
romantic mate.
c. Supernatural Events and Synchronicities. Uncoincidental coincidences and
psychic flashes concerning the targeted partner. Meeting the person seems to be
set up in a supernatural way, such that the couple may believe their eventual
union to be divinely arranged. A match made in heaven. A first meeting of the
pre-bonded partner may set off a series of de ja vu memories, flashback memories
of previous abductions or dream related bondings. Some have even described it as
a "body memory" of having made love to that person before. One or both
partners have a strong sense of having known the person before, as if they knew
them all their lives or a strong soul connection.
d. Paranormal and supernatural phenomena increases during the love bite set-up.
This may include empathic and even telepathic communication between the love
bite pair. Spontaneous remote viewing images and mutually shared dreams. Other
oddities may include the physical sensation of the partners "touch" or
energy field when the other partner is thinking or fantasizing about them. This
is known as Telesthesia, and is often experienced in a sexual way oftentimes in
an altered state of consciousness. These conditions may propel either person to
find the other, an obsession to find the dream partner.
e. Strong emotional, mental and even psychic connections with the bonded
partner—such that it sets up the conditions and desire for them to meet one
another. The connection can be so strong that they have described it as a soul
immersion in their beloved or literally having their souls joined to one
another. Another bi-product is the amplification of psychic abilities in both or
one partner. Some MILAB abductees reported that the reason for the bonding was
to amplify their psychic abilities, such as remote viewing to be later used in a
secret mission or "mind controlled ops".
f. Love obsession. A need for one partner or the other to be with them to the
point of becoming infatuated. This includes the need to meet the person, even if
it is in secret, and having to hear the person’s voice on the phone, sometimes
calling the person daily or several times a day. Just hearing the targeted
partner’s voice may have a calming effect on the obsessed lover. Extreme
anxiety may be felt if the obsessed person cannot hear that person’s voice or
see them somehow.
g. The obsessed partner usually feels "love at first sight" and may
lose all critical reasoning ability. Some have described it as having the
compulsion to make sudden life decisions like moving away, changing jobs,
getting divorced or going out of their way to do things for the targeted person.
It has been compared to being under a "love spell" whenever the
obsessed person hears their partner’s voice. They may go to great lengths to
please the person—doing anything for them, even giving up their life for them.
h. Switching off. One or the other partners becomes unplugged emotionally,
leaving the other in a state of unrequited love. Usually the obsessed lover
becomes painfully unrequited after the other partner loses interest, often right
after abduction. It has been described as the psychic and emotional unplugging
of the targeted partner. Unfortunately the obsessed lover still feels the strong
psychic/emotional connection, but the other "switched off" partner
feels nothing, leaving the obsessed lover grieving. Or the conditions for the
bonded lovers are such that it is impossible for them to consummate their strong
love, such as both partners being married to others or living a great distance
i. Emotional turmoil in the unrequited partners life. These powerful emotions of
love and grief may cause the person to be inspired with creative energy, so that
they write poetry, music, or any other art form of creative inspiration.
Conversely, the degree of emotional pain may throw the unrequited lover into
suicidal tendencies, mental and physical exhaustion or illness.
j. Profound mystical experiences may also be perceived during the time of
increased emotional processing or periods of prayer.
k. Increase in alien encounters during periods of high drama and emotional
conflict. The alien encounters may also increase if the person gets involved in
alternative sexual lifestyles or increased sexual activity—especially if its
with the targeted love bite partner. Some have reported increases in reptilian
activity with methamphetamine or "crack cocaine" abuse.
l. Some abductees have reported the bonding experience to take place more than
once, whereby they have been on both sides of the love bite; the obsessed
unrequited end, or the non-unrequited end. When they are on the non-unrequited
end, a platonic friendship may be engendered. Some heterosexuals have suddenly
become obsessed with a homosexual where a drastic change in lifestyle occurs.
There are variations to the love bite dramas, wherein, for example, two
abductees are placed together perhaps for the purpose of having children
together, and they may not go through all the stages in the above set of
symptoms. Based on the number of love bite histories I have compiled, I have
come to the conclusion that there are at least four reasons for these set-ups.
Some of these may serve dual purposes. One for the aliens and the other for the
cooperating human military or intelligence personnel involved with a particular
abductee. In this instance, MILABS or a faction of MK Ultra operatives under the
abduction programs. The four basic reasons behind love bite relationships are:
a. Genetic bloodline study or perpetuation of a particular trait useful for the
aliens and/or military, intelligence or Illuminati related group. For example
high psi and dissociative ability.
b. Emotional soul harvesting of energies siphoned off the abductee for aliens,
such as reptilians, Dracos, or demonic powers accrued to human magicians. In
cases where sexual manipulations are done, this sexual energy can be used in
Montauk type experiments for time travel or psi amplifications, or
c. Amplification of paranormal abilities such as telekinesis, telepathy, remote
viewing and precognition through sexual and soul bonding of other psychic
abductees. In this case you can call them MILAB operatives. Some of these
operatives may have Monarch Programming or the more sophisticated alien
programming based on the fundamentals of Monarch MK Ultra programming.
Oftentimes programmers, who orchestrate the various missions for their highly
trained operatives, will want to soul bond and sexually bond a pair. This serves
to keep the twinned operatives loyal to one another, and increase their
performance. For example, when two operatives are so bonded to one another, they
can telepathically transmit large amounts of information to one another,
sometimes during sexual activity. If they love one another, they will also die
for one another, taking greater risks for the success of a dangerous mission.
d. Distraction and neutralization of troublesome abductees, or researchers, who
are either breaking programming, whistle blowing, or getting too close to the
truth. This may present itself as an abductee client that comes in to work with
a researcher, where a love affair ensues. Then the relationship may be an
emotional roller coaster, or create chaos in the researchers life distracting
him or her from useful research. Or a sleeper operative abductee starts coming
to a support group, wreaking chaos wherever they go, which may include a love
bite set up with one of the members. It may result in dividing the support
group, creating unnecessary enmity between abductees and researchers who could
have shared insightful experiences. In these instances the set up serves to
prevent useful information from reaching the public.
In general, there is great resistance amongst the UFO abductee population to
discuss the more "negative" abduction reports. I can personally attest
to this when being on various Internet list groups or support groups held by the
less informed group facilitators. The resistance usually is regarding reptilian
aliens, sexual assaults, underground bases memories where horrific things were
observed, such as the "processing plants, or gory details. Oftentimes even
military or government abductions are not allowed to be spoken of. Any hints at
Monarch trauma based programming and Illuminati connections are frowned upon. I
even know of a case where a certain Internet list group for abductees only made
rules to not discuss reptilians or military abductions! This is pathetic,
because it shows you how effective the alien programmers are at keeping their
chosen ones" in complete denial. I call this "muppetization. I’m
sorry to strike a negative tone here, but there is a major problem going on in
the UFO community!
Last but not least, I must say something about persons who swear they were
matched together by divine or supernatural means to meet their lover. In some
cases the couple married and enjoy a good, healthy relationship. I believe there
are some relationships, which are guided by benevolent angelic forces and even
ones own karma. And yes, I have seen love bite cases where the couple claims
that they are happy and it’s not an unhealthy relationship contrived by evil
aliens. In some cases, I’ve observed how a love bite relationship was set up
as a positive perk to an abductee who helped promote the alien agenda without
knowing it. Or the orchestrated relationship served to keep publicly vocal
abductee in some kind of economic bondage, or under increasing amounts of
control from their partner—whose view of the visiting extraterrestrials
opposed them. The net effect was to muffle the public appearances of the
abductee, or keep them under a leash with a controlling partner.
One reason why I am skeptical of alien orchestrated love relationships that
appear "happy and healthy" is, that when one of the persons starts
challenging the alien agenda or its insidious mind control, then all hell breaks
loose. It will often manifest as chaos in ones relationship that was set up in
the first place. This is a bitter pill to swallow for persons who have realized
the extent of control exerted on them by their alien handlers. This same truth
extends to those in MK Ultra programs, and Illuminati bloodline families, or
True love will not try to control and manipulate. True love will support freedom
from the bonds of ignorance, and encourage individual sovereignty. True love
will empower an individual, and work in unselfish ways to promote freedom for
others. Most importantly, true love is discerning, confident, unselfish, humble,
persevering and deeply compassionate for the suffering of others.
The greater our awareness of what is truly happening in today’s sophisticated
world, the better able we are able to regain control over our destinies. At
first, we will become disturbed. But if our love for the truth outweighs our
arrogance and ignorance, we can have a chance for true love and freedom.
~Eve Lorgen
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